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Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS)

The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) will replace the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) from 1st September 2020. The EWSS provides a flat-rate subsidy to qualifying employers based on the numbers of paid and eligible employees on the employer’s payroll. To qualify for the scheme, an employer must be able to demonstrate that: their business will experience


Getting Back to Work – Steps for Employers and Workers to Reduce Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in the Workplace

Any decisions to re-open a workplace must be in done in compliance with the Government and public health advice. Employers, in consultation with the nominated worker representative(s), must take the following steps: Develop and/or Update the COVID-19 Response Plan. Develop or amend policies and procedures for prompt identification and isolation of workers who may have

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Budget 2020

Further to Budget 2020 announced by Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe last week, the impact on payroll for 2020 is as follows: There were no changes made to tax credits, cut off points or the rates of PAYE. There were no changes made to the Universal Social Charge rates (USC). The Earned Income Tax Credit increased