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HR Support, Our Blog

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information for Employers and Employees

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection are introducing measures to provide income support to people affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus). 3 major changes have been announced: the current 6-day waiting period for Illness Benefit will not apply to anyone who has COVID-19 (Coronavirus) or is in medically-required self-isolation. the personal rate of Illness Benefit

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HR Support, Our Blog, Payroll

Minimum Rate of Pay to rise with effect from February 1st 2020

The national minimum wage will increase from €9.80 per hour to €10.10 with effect from 1st February 2020. Employers should note that the minimum wage for all ages of work with effect from 1st February 2020 will be as follows: National Minimum Wage (Age 20 and over) = €10.10. Aged 19 = €9.09. Ages 18 

Our Blog, Payroll

Do you want to give your employees a tax free bonus?

You can give employees a small benefit of up to €500 in value, tax free each year. This benefit must not be in cash. If more than one benefit is given in a year, only the first one qualifies for tax free status. Unused allowance amounts cannot be carried over. Tax free vouchers or benefits

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Six Things That Every Company Director Should Know About Company Registration

We have summarised six things that every company director should know about the requirements of filing documents with the CRO. Every company, whether trading or not, must file an annual return at the CRO not later than 28 days from its statutory annual return date (ARD). A company director must ensure that an annual return

HR Support, Our Blog

Parent’s Leave & Benefit Bill

The Parent’s Leave & Benefit Bill was implemented by the Government to help parents spend more quality time with their children. The Bill entitles parents to take two extra weeks paid parents leave for any child born/adopted on or after November 1st 2019. This is in addition to the 26 weeks maternity leave and 2

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Budget 2020

Further to Budget 2020 announced by Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe last week, the impact on payroll for 2020 is as follows: There were no changes made to tax credits, cut off points or the rates of PAYE. There were no changes made to the Universal Social Charge rates (USC). The Earned Income Tax Credit increased

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Voluntary Strike Off for a Company

Voluntary Strike – Off is one way in which you may formally wind up a company that you have registered in Ireland. A company that ceases to trade, or has never traded, has no assets in excess of €150 and which has no outstanding creditors can request that the Registrar strike-off the company for the

Company Formations, Our Blog

Registering a Business Name

Registering a Business Name What is a business name? A business name is a name used to carry on business by any individual, body corporate or partnership, which has a place of business in the Republic of Ireland, and which name is not the same as their own true name(s). Who does it apply to?

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What information is required to register a Beneficial Owner with the Central Register?

A Beneficial Owner is defined as any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls a legal entity, either through direct or indirect ownership of a sufficient percentage of the shares or voting rights or ownership interest in the entity, including through bearer shareholdings, or through control via other means. These include: Ownership (directly or indirectly)

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Recent Employment Legislation Changes

Parental Leave  The Parental Leave Acts 1998 -2019 allow parents to take parental leave from employment in respect of certain children. A person acting in loco parentis with for an eligible child is also eligible. Parental leave for parents of eligible children will increase from 18 weeks to 22 weeks from  September1st2019 and from 22